
West Coast is on a bi-weekly schedule from October 2023 to March 2024.  Please contact them directly if you have specific Landscaping needs or fill in a landscaping request.

You may also contact West Coast directly.  Our account manager is Nick Wright - his email is

West Coast removed leaves the week of March 18th, 2023, we plan do do again in 2024.

Effective August 1, 2022 we hired West Coast Landscape and Lawns to provide landscaping and horticultural / fertilization services.

If you have specific requests please go to West Coast's website  Click on Information and then submit request.  If you have trouble you can email our West Coast coordinator:  Nick Wright .

Landscape Maintenance


Tree Trimming

The HOA provides trimming of certain trees less than 12 feet.  West Coast has offered Sago residents a 'discount rate' for taller palms of $35/palm.  They will be circulating a flyer.  The prices are very attractive and encourage you to get your taller palms trimmed that have seed pods and dead fronds.  Contact Ken Dobler .